Established in 2018
We haven't written anything about KyberSwap Classic (Avalanche) yet. Please check back again at a later stage to learn more about the exchange.
We haven't written any description of KyberSwap Classic (Avalanche) yet. Once our AI has checked the website, socials etc. of KyberSwap Classic (Avalanche) we'll combine a detailed description. Please check back again at a later stage to learn more about the exchange.
Dypius [OLD]
0X961C8C0B1AAD0C0B10A51FEF6A867E3091BCEF17 / 0XB31F66AA3C1E785363F0875A1B74E27B85FD66C7
Kyber Network Crystal
0X39FC9E94CAEACB435842FADEDECB783589F50F5F / 0XB31F66AA3C1E785363F0875A1B74E27B85FD66C7
Bridged USDC (Avalanche Bridge)
0XA7D7079B0FEAD91F3E65F86E8915CB59C1A4C664 / 0X130966628846BFD36FF31A822705796E8CB8C18D
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