Established: N/A
We haven't written anything about 10KSwap yet. Please check back again at a later stage to learn more about the exchange.
We haven't written any description of 10KSwap yet. Once our AI has checked the website, socials etc. of 10KSwap we'll combine a detailed description. Please check back again at a later stage to learn more about the exchange.
Bridged Dai Stablecoin (StarkGate)
0XDA114221CB83FA859DBDB4C44BEEAA0BB37C7537AD5AE66FE5E0EFD20E6EB3 / 0X49D36570D4E46F48E99674BD3FCC84644DDD6B96F7C741B1562B82F9E004DC7
Bridged USD Coin (StarkGate)
0X53C91253BC9682C04929CA02ED00B3E423F6710D2EE7E0D5EBB06F3ECF368A8 / 0X49D36570D4E46F48E99674BD3FCC84644DDD6B96F7C741B1562B82F9E004DC7
Bridged Wrapped Bitcoin (StarkGate)
0X3FE2B97C1FD336E750087D68B9B867997FD64A2661FF3CA5A7C771641E8E7AC / 0X49D36570D4E46F48E99674BD3FCC84644DDD6B96F7C741B1562B82F9E004DC7
Bridged Tether (StarkGate)
0X68F5C6A61780768455DE69077E07E89787839BF8166DECFBF92B645209C0FB8 / 0X49D36570D4E46F48E99674BD3FCC84644DDD6B96F7C741B1562B82F9E004DC7
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