Plian, formerly known as PCHAIN, is venturing towards refining its experiences in crafting enterprise subchains for various use cases into a highly scalable, multichain smart contract platform. This platform also doubles as a decentralized finance (DeFi) toolkit designed to meet all the demands of public and corporate DeFi, while also streamlining the integration process. Plian aims to achieve this ambitious strategy by developing user-friendly tools for the straightforward deployment of smart contracts and DApps, integrating on-chain oracles, and pioneering innovative technologies for programmable liquidity to make the interaction with Plian even simpler.
Plian's New Vision
In this upgraded vision, Plian signals the development of a familiar suite of tools aimed at simplifying the testing, launching, and maintenance of complex smart contracts. Tools such as Truffle and Waffle are set to be part of this suite. Plian also plans to introduce smart data mechanisms and oracle systems that expand the depth and complexity of what can be achieved with smart contracts.
Community Governed Decentralised Swap
As a vital element of this new strategy, Plian will sponsor Pizzap, a community governed Decentralised Swap. This aims to open the platform to cross-blockchain liquidity, increasing the platform's flexibility and adaptability in the growing DeFi market.
Transforming Plian’s Identity
This comprehensive toolkit and platform transformation will evolve Plian into a vastly scalable, interoperable, Solidity programmable, and near-instant blockchain. This evolution is designed to cater to the demands of both public and enterprise DeFi needs, positioning Plian as a premier choice for DeFi solutions.
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