PanicSwap is a dynamic Automatic Market Maker (AMM) protocol that operates on the Fantom Network. It possesses the audited Solidly code-base, courtesy of Andre Cronje, and has been designed to support both stable and non-stable pairs. Additionally, multi-hop swaps, even those that include stable and non-stable pairs mixed routes, are seamlessly incorporated within a user-friendly contract interface.
Innovation and Incentives
Striding forth in innovation, PanicSwap is incentivising liquidity pairs with single asset yield bearing tokens from Yearn Finance, also known as 'Y-Tokens'. Users are therefore provided with the opportunity to earn yield on their tokens in their liquidity pairs, along with earning $PANIC rewards for providing liquidity. The earned $PANIC is vested for a period of 2 years, although it can be claimed instantly for a 50% fee on the rewards. A distinctive feature of PanicSwap is the introduction of a variable fee, similar to Uniswap, where different liquidity pairs are assigned different swap fees.
$PANIC Token Holding Benefits
Those who hold $PANIC tokens are given a choice to stake tokens with 0 lockup and earn fees earned by the protocol. Alternatively, they can choose to lock their tokens for 2 years and earn the previously mentioned fees in addition to early exit fees paid by farmers who opted to receive their tokens early.
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