Domi Online is a groundbreaking venture into the world of Play-to-Earn 3D Blockchain MMORPGs. Using the power of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Domi Online pushes the boundaries of gaming and blockchain technology, creating a unique and immersive experience for its users.
About Domi Online
Domi Online is a 3D Blockchain MMORPG where players can earn rewards while enjoying the immersive gameplay. The use of NFTs within the game infrastructure makes it a unique offering in the gaming and blockchain market.
The Team
Domi's team comprises some of the top talents in gaming and blockchain technology. The lead developer has a rich experience of working on Runescape, the world's biggest free MMORPG. The team also includes experts from ChainGuardians, recognized for their pioneering work in using NFTs for play-to-earn models. In addition, the game's sound and SFX are crafted by PelleK, known for his work on popular franchises such as League of Legends, Magic: The Gathering, Power Rangers, Path of Exile, PolkaPets, and more.
Developed in Shadows
The team behind Domi Online committed to months of incognito development to ensure the delivery of a functional and beautiful game. They unveiled their socials and shared the news about Domi with the world only after they had a fully completed game design, an assembled team, and a working version of the game.
The Journey Begins
Domi Online's journey is kickstarted with a clear vision and a strong foundation. With a dedicated team, a complete game design, and an active, growing community, Domi Online is set to redefine the Play-to-Earn gaming space through its innovative use of blockchain technology and NFTs.
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