Manifesto Necessity: A Must-Have in the Crypto World

Jonathan Stoker Nov 28, 2023, 22:20pm 99 views

Manifesto Necessity: A Must-Have in the Crypto World

Ethereum Founder, Vitalik Buterin Explores New Philosophy of Techno-optimism

In a comprehensive blog post, Vitalik Buterin, the creator of EthereumEthereum$2,315 -2.42%, outlines a new techno-optimism philosophy dubbed d/acc. The "d" is an abbreviation for decentralization, defensive and/or differential, while "/acc" is a popular acronym on social media for "acceleration". This philosophy takes a middle ground approach between techno optimism and pessimism, asserting that technology is beneficial overall, but some technologies are superior to others and some could have a negative overall impact.

Accelerationism and Techno Optimism

Accelerationism was once a subject of concern for tech critics. It started as an academic concept aimed at understanding how science, reason, and technology drive progress throughout history. It has since evolved to mean "pro-tech."

The d/acc Philosophy

Buterin's 'd/acc' philosophy champions a conscious, balanced pathway in technological development. It emphasizes technologies that promote defense, decentralization, and human flourishing. This philosophy counters the unreserved techno-optimism promoted by figures such as Marc Andreessen by challenging the e/acc (effective accelerationist) movement.

A Response to Marc Andreessen's Techno-Optimist Manifesto

Buterin's philosophy is in part a response to the "Techno-Optimist Manifesto" published by Marc Andreessen, founder of influential VC firm Andreessen Horowitz (a16z) and builder of the world's first browser, Netscape. Andreessen's manifesto is of the opinion that "technology is a lever on the world - the way to make more with less", advocating for the unfettered progress of technologies such as AI, nuclear, and markets.

Buterin's Perspective

Buterin is cautious of digital technologies that can be used to control, undermine privacy and propagate authoritarianism. He reflects on the potential for industrial factory farming to cause future pandemics. He also spends considerable time contemplating the risks of non-aligned, or rogue, AI.

The Importance of Intentional Steering of Tech

Buterin also advocates for increased collaboration and intentional steering of tech. Both Andreessen and Buterin acknowledge that technology has often resulted in human flourishing. They argue that progress is not a linear path but one that requires deliberate navigation and foresight.

Buterin's d/acc and its Political Implications

Buterin does an excellent job of explaining how his "d/acc" philosophy can comfortably fit within a variety of political systems, including libertarianism, effective altruism and various punk ideologies. However, like any theory, his is incomplete and invites debate. The key question remains, can the best possible world be improved by technology, or are we inevitably spiraling towards regression?

Edited by Jonathan Stoker

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