HTX Exchange Recovers from DDoS Attack: Insights from Justin Sun

Jonathan Stoker Jan 19, 2024, 14:20pm 227 views

HTX Exchange Recovers from DDoS Attack: Insights from Justin Sun

HTX Crypto Exchange and HTX DAO Resume Services Post DDoS Attack

Recently, HTXHTX, a popular crypto exchange, along with HTX DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) experienced a service restoration following a Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack. This incident occurred on a Friday, causing a temporary interruption. Justin Sun, a renowned figure in the crypto world and an advisor to HTX, confirmed that services resumed after a short 15-minute disruption.

Understanding DDoS Attacks

A DDoS attack is a well-known cyber threat that aims to disrupt an online service. The method involves overwhelming the service with excessive requests, effectively using up its capacity and preventing it from responding to legitimate requests.

Previous Cybersecurity Breach Incident

This is not the first time the HTX exchange has been targeted. On November 10 of the previous year, HTX fell victim to a massive cyber attack. The incident led to the theft of approximately $97 million from the exchange and Heco Chain, a blockchain protocol.

Crypto Crime Statistics

In 2023, crypto crime increased significantly, with losses amounting to over $24B, according to Chainalysis.

Edited by Jonathan Stoker

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