BRICS Nations See 6.5% Drop in US Dollar Reserves, 3.65% Rise in Local Currencies

Jonathan Stoker Dec 20, 2023, 16:50pm 237 views

BRICS Nations See 6.5% Drop in US Dollar Reserves, 3.65% Rise in Local Currencies

BRICS Central Banks Decrease US Dollar Reserves in 2023

In a bid to protect their local currencies, Central Banks of BRICS nations, namely China, India, and Russia, have been significantly reducing their US dollar reserves throughout the year. This action is part of a broader trend seeing the US dollar's influence in global Central Banks wane.

Decline of US Dollar as the World's Reserve Currency

The year 2023 has not been kind to the US dollar as it continues to lose its footing as the world's reserve currency. This is especially prevalent in BRICS nations and other developing countries, who are actively seeking to detach from the dollar. This year witnessed a dip in the US dollar reserves in various Central Banks by 6.48%.

US Dollar Reserves Dip, Local Currencies Flourish

Interestingly, while the US dollar experienced a downturn, local currencies such as the Japanese Yen and Chinese Yuan increased their share in Central Bank reserves. In 2023, local currencies have seen a boost of 3.65%, with the Euro rising by 0.83%, the Japanese Yen spiking by 1.45%, and the Chinese Yuan jumping by 1.37%.

Impact on the US Economy

This development could potentially disrupt the US economy. A complete shift away from using the USD in BRICS countries could cause financial turmoil and lead to hyperinflation across all sectors in the US.

Individual Efforts of BRICS Nations

India Enhances Rupee Strength

India, for example, took aggressive measures in November this year by selling US dollars in the foreign exchange markets, a move aimed at strengthening the Rupee.

China Limits Foreign Currency Deposits

Meanwhile, China imposed restrictions on firms making bulk purchases in US dollars. A new rule was announced that financial institutions can only hold foreign currency deposits by a third, a move designed to further limit their reliance on the US dollar.

Conclusion: BRICS Currencies Gain Ground

In conclusion, the actions of the BRICS countries indicate a trend towards the decline of the US dollar and a simultaneous rise of BRICS currencies. This trend sets a new stage in global financial dynamics with significant implications for international trade and finance.

Edited by Jonathan Stoker

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