Arbitrum Foundation Funds AOFverse: A New Era in Mobile Gaming

Jonathan Stoker Jan 11, 2024, 14:20pm 215 views

Arbitrum Foundation Funds AOFverse: A New Era in Mobile Gaming

AOFverse Receives Grant from Arbitrum Foundation

In a recent development, AOFverse, a leading mobile gaming studio, announced that it has secured a noteworthy grant from the Arbitrum Foundation. The financial details of the grant remain undisclosed.

Blockchain Tech and Mobile Gaming

AOFverse intends to revolutionize mobile gaming using the latest blockchain technology. The studio has a particular focus on the integration of Web3 and educating users on its application and benefits.

Increasing Popularity of Army of Tactics

The gaming studio is gaining momentum with its game - Army of Tactics. The game has become an internet sensation with a wide base of 4 million fans on TikTok.

AFG Token and Community Engagement

The AFG token, launched by AOFverse is designed to boost community engagement. It plays a pivotal role in attracting gamers and fostering a sense of community among them.

Creation of a Blockchain-Powered Metaverse

The grant development between AOFverse and Arbitrum Foundation is primarily targeted towards creating a metaverse powered by blockchain technology. The partnership aims to set new benchmarks in the gaming industry

Protocol Village: Exploring the Tech behind Crypto

Protocol Village is a consistent feature of The Protocol, a weekly newsletter that delves into the technology used in the crypto world. You can subscribe to receive this informative newsletter every Wednesday. Project teams can submit updates for their initiatives as well.

Previous Editions and The Protocol Podcast

For those interested in past editions of Protocol Village, they can be accessed online. Additionally, the weekly podcast of The Protocol provides a depth of information for crypto enthusiasts.

Edited by Jonathan Stoker

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